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Prepare for and pass a CLEP exam (College Level Examination Program) and get the credit you need with SpeedyPrep!  

What Is CLEP? and, Why SpeedyPrep?
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) was started over 50 years ago by the College Board. CLEP exam results are accepted by over 2,900 colleges and universities. The exams are administered at over 1,800 licensed testing centers worldwide.

Potential savings per course = $1,613.38:  Average cost of one 3-hour college course: $1,783.38* vs $170 for SpeedyPrep and Test Fee*.   

No impact on your GPA:  Test out of courses that might negatively impact your GPA.

SpeedyPrep was designed with one idea in mind: to offer CLEP preparation material that truly prepares a subscriber to pass their exam. We also wanted to keep our prices reasonable and membership flexible for our subscribers to keep their education costs down.

SpeedyPrep devised a ‘fill in the blank’ flashcard question format and added question explanations and short videos to expand the user’s knowledge of a flashcard question. Each of our 24 courses cover the broad range of facts, concepts, vocabulary and processes a user needs to learn to pass their CLEP.
  •  Complete 3 hours of credit:   **For as little as $170
  •  No Impact on GPA:  Your transcript will show you passed
  •  Online Flashcard Format:  Based on mastery learning technique
  •  Videos: Make learning fun
  • No Textbook Required: Study anywhere, anytime
  •  Access to All  24 Courses:  For less than $30 a month
  •  Money Back Guarantee:  When your progress bar reaches 90%
** Based on $29.95 for two months of access to SpeedyPrep and $110 for test fee.

Here's What People Are Saying
“ I’m able to graduate in May...I just finished taking my United States History 1 CLEP exam. I needed a 50 to pass, I got a 58! I was lacking 3 credits to graduate, so now I’m able to graduate in May! I’m so happy. I really appreciate your services, I will definitely be recommending SpeedyPrep to people I know." -Katie
“Thank you for your study courses. I have saved almost $6000 in tuition and an entire semester of school by taking the CLEP tests. I have successfully passed 4 CLEP tests using only SpeedyPrep to study to them.”—Marlene N.

What is SpeedyPrep?
The developers incorporated Mastery Learning concepts to SpeedyPrep’s study materials. Mastery Learning works with how we both learn and retain new information. The human brain needs repeated exposure to information before the memory can retain it. SpeedyPrep knew that mastery could be measured, and the progress bar was born. Every time a student correctly answers a question, an algorithm records it. That, in turn, fills in a progress bar to show our subscribers the growing mastery of their subject. 

The progress bar allows SpeedyPrep to guarantee its materials. We do so because we are confident that our materials are sufficient to prepare our subscribers for their CLEP exams.

Our courses are curated by master teachers and college professors and we work to keep our materials in line with any changes the College Board publishes about the exams.
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